
Showing posts from 2019

I Believe You


It Shall Be Well


Without Faith, You Can't Please God.


Without Faith, You Can't Please God.



THE FOURSQUARE GOSPEL CHURCH IN NIGERIA PRAYER BULLETIN (COMBINED) THEME: AD 2019: OUR YEAR OF COVENANT OF PEACE Isaiah 54:10 JANUARY 2 ND – 31 ST , 2019 GENERAL OVERSEER’S FOREWORD Blessed be God Almighty for bringing us into the threshold of another year - AD 2019. What a marvelous God we serve and Who has indeed done marvelous things for us. To Him alone be all the glory, honour, praise, power, dominion and majesty, now and forevermore. I appreciate God for the testimonies of New Heights He brought our way in various dimensions at individual, family, church and corporate levels in 2018. God will surely uphold the blessings as we flow into the New Year in Jesus name. God spoke to His people, Israel………. Behold, I will do a new thing (Isaiah 43:19). In this New Year that has just commenced, I see God doing new things for us His people, resulting in new testimonies of God’s goodness and faithfulness to us. God is a promise

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