
Showing posts from September, 2020

Working By Faith: Real Faith.

THEME:             WORKING BY FAITH TOPIC:                   REAL FAITH TEXT:                      JAMES 2:17-18 TEACHER:           DCNS. OWOSENI B. INTRODUCTION: Faith means having strong conviction, deep trust, (reliance upon), loyalty on God. Hebrew word for faith is EMUWN which means to trust or to have faith in the New Testament, the Greek word for faith is pistis, which means to trust, believe, have faith or rely upon. The Biblical definition of real faith is found in the book of Hebrews 11:1 “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen”. The substance is assurance, realization. Faith is also described in the bible as fruit or quality imparted by God Holy Spirit – Gal.5:22.   THE FOUNDATION OF REAL FAITH The Scripture urges us to “trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding" – Prov.3:5-7. ·          We must also learn to trust in God’s word – the  Bible  Ps.119, 160; Jn. 17:17. Thi

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