40 Days Fasting and Prayer: Prayer bulletin for 2021

THE FOURSQUARE GOSPEL CHURCH IN NIGERIA AD 2021 COMBINED PRAYER BULLETIN “DECADE OF SOARING” DECEMBER 23RD 2020 - JANUARY 31ST, 2021 GENERAL OVERSEER’S FORWARD Blessed be the Lord God Almighty for His gracious provisions in our lives. As individuals, as families and as a church organization, we have surely experienced manifold blessings of God. To Him alone be all the glory, honour, praise, power, dominion and majesty, now and forevermore. The year 2020 has been eventful. I indeed appreciate the testimonies of Divine All-Round Sufficiency which God has given to us in various ways, in different dimensions and at varying levels. As we round off the year 2020 and going into the New Year 2021, I am persuaded of great and mighty things which the Lord God will do in our midst. Praise the Lord! God led Joshua to tell the ...