Uncommon Reward

                        Pastor Lawrence Alabi

Your uncommon worship will bring an uncommon reward, doing the unusual will bringforth the uncommon reward. Our father in faith, Abraham, did the unusual and unusual reward came to him. When his brother's son was in captivity, Abraham did gather his trained servants to rescue his brother's son (Gen. 14:14-24). After this things Abraham was rewarded greatly of God.

2 Corinthians 8:9, Jesus Christ became poor for us all to be rich. The work was done on Calvary, the uncommon reward is for us all.  Salvation and riches and wealth is for us.

Philipians 2:6-11, Jesus Christ has paid the price for us, what a great work that has brought us great reward of salvation. This that Jesus Christ did brought him uncommon reward, His name is set above all names.

John 11:1-44, Lazarus was dead for four days, he was already stinking, but at the call (command) of Jesus Christ, Lazarus came forth and was loosed and let go.

If you want uncommon reward, start now to work hard from this early year. Esther 4:1-17;5:1-3. You know at times you take right risk in order to allow uncommon rewards.

Other Bible references ,Gen. 39:6-14.

- I will not commit errors that will land me in jail.


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