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Foursquare Chaplains Monthly Prayer Guides 2017

  • Format: PDF
Download the free Monthly Prayer Guide published by Foursquare Chaplains International, and help people in your church pray for our chaplains, associate chaplains and chaplain candidates who serve locally and around the world.
Foursquare chaplains minister in the name of Christ where doors are open to specialized settings, such as with the military, civic organizations, hospitals and hospices, prisons, law enforcement, firefighters and other specialized mission fields. They serve in military bases, ships, war zones, crime scenes, prisons, workplaces and during natural disasters, and they all need our prayer support.
My Healthy ChurchFOURSQUARE SPONSOREquip parents to talk about life’s tough topics. 6 session small group kit.
Visit Foursquare Chaplains International online to learn more about this vital ministry, including information on the chaplains currently serving as well as how to become a chaplain, get involved with disaster relief training, and more. Then use this handy monthly guide as a reminder to pray for these heroic people serving on the frontlines.

How to Get This Resource

Download the latest Foursquare Chaplains Prayer Guide:
MonthPDF Size
December 201763 KB
November 201765 KB
October 201764 KB
September 201763 KB
August 201763 KB
July 201763 KB
June 201763 KB
May 201763 KB
April 201763 KB
March 201762 KB
February 201762 KB
January 201766 KB


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