Pastors' Reflection | 25th June, 2017
"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry." 2 TIMOTHY4:5 1. FOCUS Apostle Paul has a great perspectives for evangelism. We need to focus in winning through power evangelism by preaching Christ, preaching the word, be filled with the Holy Spirit and the spirit of prayers so as to be set free from the pressures in the face of falsehood. 2. REALITY OF YOUR WORSHIP You can only proof your worshipping the Lord when you act on what the word of God says. Take to heart the teaching and preaching you have been hearing. Meditate on the word of God you have heard , examine that word of God again ,apply it to your daily situation. As you do this your life will receive outstanding freshness in Jesus unfailing name. 3.TOTAL PERSEVERANCE People only want to prefer the preacher that tells them what they wanted. It is rightful for us to committed to the truth and the whole counsel of God. May the g...