Zonal Rally 2017 | Greener Pastures | Day 2 Grand Finale [17th June, 2017

Ifako District Council members;
Fagba Zonal Superintendent;
Other members of Fagba Zonal Council;
Council members from other zones and churches;
Members of the Planning Committee of this rally;
Beloved brethren from Foursquare churches and other denominations;
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen.

e are grateful unto God Almighty for another opportunity to celebrate the testimonies of Jesus with our brethren in Fagba on the occasion of her 2017 Zonal Rally which kicked off few days ago. Today is the grand finale when all activities for this year’s rally will come to a conclusion, I bless God on behalf of everyone that have really participated to see to the success of this rally, I pray and I declare that your labour of love shall be rewarded. 

The optimism raised by the theme and topics you have been examining since the beginning of this rally is exceedingly great. Your theme is “Greener Pasture” meaning better life or good life, whatever might be the past story of this zone: this zonal rally is an open door that will usher in a new height of God’s goodness and quality life for the zone and everyone in all ramifications of life.

We should all submit to God without an iota of any reservation that God is my/our Shepherd (one who knows the best grass, location, season, weather, routes, water/river, nurture and care having put in place the best security in our favour) we must freely and voluntarily surrender to His Leadership at all times either when it’s convenient or inconvenient for us to obey his voice (instructions/commands) wherever the place we are.

We should consciously follow His Leadership as long as we live knowing that God takes responsibility over His children when we are:
1.    Going through/beside still waters (i.e untroubled/undisturbed moments)
2.    He encourages His children on path(s) of Righteousness of His name sake – using His rod and His staff.
3.    He guides us through the valley of the shadow of death (i.e during temptations/trials He ensures we do not give up) – I Corinthians  10:13
At this junction, I draw my conclusion with this song: better life, better life and na inside Jesus Christ better life dey (2x).   Remain blessed as we continue to celebrate Jesus.



Rev. David Adetomiwa                                                        

District Overseer, Ifako District


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