Workers Seminar 2017 | Faithful Builder 02


In many denomination of the Christian church, a church usher is the first official representative of the church organization saddle with the responsibility to receive, directs and guides worshippers to their seats to ensure orderliness during services as clearly outlined in THE MANDATE.

The Ushering is in the ministry of Helps with a core scriptural foundation in 1 Cor. 12:28: “God has set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healing, HELPS, governments, diversities of tongues”; putting us in the ministry of Helps. Isaiah 62:6, Jeremiah 6:17.

One – One Internship
You shall be attached to team member in your new unit for a one month one – on – one internship period. During this period, you will undergo practical training on such tasks as collection, collation and distribution of materials, counting, selling of materials, how to deal with members of the congregation, comportment, etc.

Service Posting and the Different Serving Points
Your service times shall be rotated every week as well as your serving point. You will therefore learn and experience how service posting is done.
As the “face of the church”, every usher is expected to conduct themselves in a manner that preserves and complements the spirituality, reputation and standards of the church at all times. This Group expects from all Ushers, among other godly qualities; faithfulness, availability, honesty, loyalty, initiative and devotion to service.

Working with Other Team Members
As a member of a very large service group, it is pertinent that you are able to work well with everyone in your service unit. While we recognize that it is sometimes difficult working with people, we must at the same time realize that this is a spiritual work and as we are admonished by Scriptures, we must learn how to be at peace with all men while showing love always. During your internship period, you will be practically guided on how to fulfill this scripture.

Attitude, Comportment, Discipline and your Willingness to serve
·         Be punctual and regular at morning devotions and to welcome worshippers into service.
·         Dress neatly and observe the approved dress code thereby communicating decency by your attire.
·         Register your presence at every service by signing in at the appropriate location.
·         Go to location where you are posted without murmuring or complaining. IT IS AN OFFENCE TO
·         Conduct yourself in a manner showing love and respect for all.
·         Circulate all approved information and fliers as directed by Leadership.
·         Obey instructions of Leadership to sell all approved materials as and when directed.
·         Adhere to every instruction passed on by leadership and through Group Leaders without murmuring
or complaining.

Dress Code
All ushers who wish to serve should ensure that their dressing, general appearance and demeanor is such that will project a positive image of the Ushering Service Group, The Commission to which we belong and above all to Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church. The approved dress code for the week must be strictly adhered to Corporate Dressing with the approved scarf/tie/lanyard is preferable.
Corporate Dressing in this wise refers to business suites and/or shirt and tie for the male ushers while for the female ushers, such apparel as Skirt suits, business attires (Skirt and blouse/shirt, dress and jacket, dresses alone). However, during thanksgiving services and other specified time, full traditional wear is acceptable.

The following apparel are NOT acceptable for service:
Female Ushers:                                                                                                Male Ushers:
·   Skirts and dresses with hemlines above the knees,                  * Shirts must be tucked in, Jeans are not allowed
·   Trousers, Sleeveless blouses, slippers with corporate dressing     * Polo Shirts and T Shirts are not acceptable
·   Untidy hair with coloured attachment is not approved                        * Ties must be worn with corporate dressing.
·   No covered shoulder outfits are allowed in any of the services      * Slippers are not permitted with corporate dressing.
Any Usher who is not appropriately dressed will not be able to serve.

Distribution of Materials
Your trainer will show you how to handle the various materials for the congregation, from collation to distribution as well as how you interact with the congregation while you ensure they are comfortably seated in church during services.

§  Ushers are to arrange all the seats if not arranged
§  Ushers are to be very warm, friendly and hospitable in:
§  Welcoming the people
§  Helping them find seats
§  Arrange worshippers from the front row to minimize distraction.
§  Treat members and visitors like royalty
§  Assist people physically to their destination and provide them with information regarding service activities and other information.
§  Be knowledgeable in many areas and functions in the church as possible.
§  Remain at service points except when on approved assignment like sales, circulation of information or materials etc by leadership.
§  Beverages and food must not be allowed in the sanctuary during all services.
§  In a tactful manner, all gentlemen should be asked to remove their hats upon entering any service.
§  Written messages given to an Usher for the pastoral staff or a guest speaker should be channeled to the pastors by the Head Usher.
§  Be willing to correct, move and address children or adults acting in an inappropriate manner. Please do not wait for one Head Usher or Pastor to tell you to do so. Be proactive.
§  Distribute materials to the congregation as instructed from the pulpit.
§  Enforce church rules where appropriate. Report any problem to the Head Usher through you leader
§  Keep watch over people’s properties in the church especially the property of people in your location.

Usher’s Motor:  “We serve the Lord Jesus Christ”. Col. 2:23-24.

Pastor J. Awoleye


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